is Dr Timothy A. Hovanec.
Dr. Hovanec developed the aquatic research laboratory at Marineland Aquarium Products and was the Chief Science Officer at Marineland for nearly 17 years.
Dr. Hovanec was instrumental in the development of the BioWheel® and other filtration systems.
Dr. Hovanec was the first scientist to show that bacteria in the phylum Nitrospira, not species of Nitrobacter, were actually responsible for nitrification in aquatic systems such as aquaria.
Dr. Hovanec developed BioSpira®, the first microbial based product that truly eliminated new tank syndrome.
Dr. Hovanec has published several peer-reviewed, scientific papers on nitrifying bacteria, water filtration and fish culture.
Dr. Hovanec has presented over 50 talks at a variety of venues including being a keynote speaker or invited speaker at scientific meetings, symposia, international aquarium conferences and aquarium society meetings.